Life hits rough patches for all of us. When the road turns rough, faith is crucial. It’s also doubly hard. When so many things are up in the air, it’s hard to leave things in God’s hand. Someone reminded me recently of what I already know. He said “no problem is too great for God.” […]
Where there is no love, pour love in, and you will pull love out. St. John of the Cross
Time is a transient thing. It slips by quickly unnoticed until days, weeks, months have melted away. Time in a crisis is even more fleeting. I find myself starting again in more ways than one. But isn’t that what life and faith are all about? A journey of stops and starts, speed bumps and long […]
Dream Over That was the headline for a story on Susan Boyle, the contestant who caught the attention of the world in Britain’s TV talent show – Britain’s Got Talent. She wasn’t your average – wait, she was your average-looking singer. She wasn’t this polished, made-up and groomed mega-star like Beyoncé – or whatever she’s […]