If you’re looking for God, stop. What?!? Why?!? Because God is already there with you. Stop looking for God and find Him. It’s not hide and seek. Or even rocket science. It’s about faith. Let’s face it. As humans, we’re skeptical and curious – and all of these are great – but we’re really not all […]
Life hits rough patches for all of us. When the road turns rough, faith is crucial. It’s also doubly hard. When so many things are up in the air, it’s hard to leave things in God’s hand. Someone reminded me recently of what I already know. He said “no problem is too great for God.” […]
Dream Over That was the headline for a story on Susan Boyle, the contestant who caught the attention of the world in Britain’s TV talent show – Britain’s Got Talent. She wasn’t your average – wait, she was your average-looking singer. She wasn’t this polished, made-up and groomed mega-star like Beyoncé – or whatever she’s […]
God calls us to lead lives of holiness. Jesus gave the most perfect example with his own life. But he gave us other examples of holiness in his own mother, the Virgin Mary, and the saints. Saints are people to whom we can relate, essentially role models for the faithful. Saints do not forget those […]